- A magnificent, antique, silk, tomesode kimono
- Some of my Japanese garments have large, white stitching (shitsuke) round the edges. The Japanese put these stitches in to keep the edges flat during long periods of storage, these stitches just get pulled out before wearing the garment Made and bought in Japan
- Fully lined
- There are some tiny specks of foxing on the design, as is to be expected of this age. See photos below. Foxing is a characteristic of antique silks but it does not weaken the fabric, it just creates little tan specks. The foxing is very minor, particularly considering this kimono's age; it does not detract from the beauty or quality of the kimono at all
- If the black looks grey or shaded in the pictures, it is just the photos, it is a lovely deep, smooth black
- Supreme quality - this will have been a frighteningly expensive kimono. Only a very, very expensive kimono would have had such bold artwork and so much superb artwork inside too
- Large, very detailed figures, with takarabune (treasure ship) festival carts and flower carts. It has absolutely stunning artwork on inner edges, as well as outside; the inner pattern intended to show as the kimono flicks slightly open when walking but with it mostly remaining concealed inside, providing hidden beauty, which is much loved by the Japanese. This inner design is called Tomohakkake, which means having a continuation of outer textile art onto the lining; tomo means 'including' and hakkake means 'lower lining of a kimono'
- **If shown with a sash, the sash is not included; for display purposes only, to let you see it closed, however, all kimono require an obi or some sort of sash to hold them closed; these are always bought separately. Think of it like a skirt and blouse, you can't wear either on its own, you buy them separately and mix and match The Japanese take great pains to store their traditional garments with the utmost care, which is why they stay in such exceptional condition.
Excellent - tiny amount of very minor foxing - see details above and the photos
Sleeve end to sleeve end 126 cm
Sleeve seam to sleeve seam 62 cm
Length 153 cm
If shown modelled, the woman in the photos is 125 cm from wrist to wrist. The sash she is wearing with the kimono is not included, it's just to let you see it closed but kimonos do need an obi or wide sash to hold them closed
Antique Rare Tomesode
Kimono require a sash to hold them closed. This is always bought separately. Men usually wear a kaku obi with their kimono or, casually at home, a soft heko obi
Sizing: Japanese clothing is usually of adjustable fit, being mostly wrap-over or tie-to-fit items, so most garments fit a range of sizes. Because of this (and only really knowing my own size anyway) I can't really advise anyone on the fit. Please judge fit from the measurements given. Check length given for the garment, then measure from base of back of your neck down to judge that length on you
Also measure from centre back of neck, along shoulder and down the arm to the wrist, then double that and compare it with the sleeve end measurement to judge sleeve lengthSome of my garments have white stitching (shitsuke) round the outside edges to keep the edges flat during long periods of storage, these stitches just get pulled out before wearing the garment
Cleaning: Be very cautious about washing kimonos. All cleaning is done entirely at your own risk, as is standard with all vintage garments and items. I would advise only dry cleaning
Colour: Please be aware that different monitors display colour slightly differently. Therefore the colour in the photos and description is a guide only